Super Cool Rose Grape 30ML is a refreshing e-liquid that combines the floral sweetness of rose with the rich, juicy flavor of grapes, enhanced by a cool menthol blast. The result is a well-balanced and smooth vape with a unique floral and fruity profile, perfect for vapers who enjoy a refreshing and aromatic experience.
Product Overview:
- Flavor Profile: A delicate blend of floral rose and sweet, ripe grapes, finished with a refreshing menthol chill.
- Bottle Size: 30ml
- VG/PG Ratio: Typically 50/50, offering a balance of smooth throat hit and vapor production.
- Nicotine Strength: Available in multiple nicotine levels to suit various preferences.
Super Cool Rose Grape is an excellent choice for those looking for an aromatic, fruity, and cooling vaping experience with a twist of elegance.